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Q: What Spatial data formats are supported by MapMatrix Server?

A: The MapMatrix Server Architecture uses a plug-in approach to supporting spatial data formats. Our plug-in specifications are open to the public, this makes it possible for developers to add support for unlimited formats. The current version of MapMatrix Server includes a free plug-in for the ShapeFile format, others are available for common data formats, such as SDE, MapInfo, and others.

Q: What database formats are supported for attribute data?

A: MapMatrix Server supports any data source that has an OLEDB driver. In addition to OLEDB support, MapMatrix Server provides native support for Microsoft SQLServer and Oracle relational databases.

Q: Is any additional software (ArcIMS, ArcInfo, MapObjects, etc...) 
required to use MapMatrix?

A: No, MapMatrix is a stand alone client-server solution and does not require you to license additional software from other vendors.

Q: Does MapMatrix SDK include tools for creating and editing spatial data files or attribute data?

A: No. You can use your choice of third-party tools to create and edit spatial data and attribute files.

Q: What raster formats does MapMatrix Server Support?

A: Currently MapMatrix Server supports: MrSID, TIFF, JPEG, GIG, BMP, EXIF, PNG, and WMF.


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GIS Software GIS Software GIS Software